Current Situation in Hiring IT-specialists
With the growing needs of people for information technologies, increases the need to hire AngularJS developer who creates both applications and web resources. Any serious company is interested in long-term cooperation with the competent expert, a professional of his craft and virtuoso of a keyboard. Situations where the search for such a person goes on a month, and then he refuses to work because of dissatisfaction with conditions, occur in practice very often.

Top 5 Job Portals to Hire AngularJS Developer
- Upwork. It is a universal freelance portal where you can hire a specialist of any level of experience and field of activity.
- It is a similar freelance job board, where even Angular JS Laravel developer hire is possible.
- This website is a kind of AnjularJS developers’ community, so it offers a wide choice of Angular developer resume.
- It is one of the best job portals in Ukraine to hire AngularJS developer in particular. Here you can find hundreds of updated CV’s of engineers from Ukraine.
- This is a similar portal, where there is also an opportunity to find the right specialist as soon as possible.
How to Evaluate Angular Developer Resume
Considering Front End Angular developer resume, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:
- Work experience. It is impossible to become a good programmer, without any experience in the development of application programs. Also work in a team of programmers; for example, work on a large project is a significant advantage.
- Portfolio availability. If you need to hire AngularJS developer programmers, you can assess their qualifications with the help of the programs, which were written by the owners of a resume.
- Do not pay attention to the age of the programmer. A good programmer is always good at any age. The only thing that can affect is an operational experience.
- Availability of knowledge in several areas of programming, for example, system, application, and web-programming is always preferable.
- Reading and understanding technical documentation is one of the main points of PHP Angular developer resume.

Features Employers Are Looking For
For the most people who are not familiar with computer technologies, any IT engineer is a programmer, even the student who is confident with the computer, looks real programmer in their eyes. This is the biggest misconception and the main obstacle to a successful search for a good specialist. It is very difficult task for many companies to find a good programmer on the jobs portal. Besides that the qualification of HR-manager may not cover the scope of the concepts that programmers write in their resumes, in addition, it is possible to become a victim of a fraud. In other words, sometimes the applicant intentionally overstates his knowledge in various fields of IT-technologies to get a high-paying job. Only one resume is not enough to evaluate the qualifications of the programmer, even the experience indicated in the CV doesn’t help a lot. Usually, good programmers do not have an “official” experience, for the simple reason that the programmer services are expensive, and employers try to avoid various official charges.
A good programmer is very smart and therefore his behavior sometimes defies logic. Do not pay attention to it; we are all human beings with our own features. Real specialist is fanatically devoted to his profession and tries to perform even impossible tasks because it is very interesting for him to solve the most incredible challenges. This person is characterized by the desire to educate himself and know how to organize his work most efficiently.
The presence or absence of a diploma of higher education has not much influence if you need programmer’s help, for the simple reason that it should be confirmed by real skills. The only thing that a diploma gives is a status of the engineer, and the engineer means the ability to develop something new, to work with the technical documentation, discipline, and responsibility. A good a programmer always has something to show; it can be some examples of applications, implemented large-scale projects, and of course an experience of working within programmers group.
Job portal HeadHunter conducted a research and provided a rate of the most required features of IT professionals. Rating is based on the number of mentions of certain professional features among all the jobs in IT sphere posted on the site.

Hiring IT-professionals in Ukraine
In order to hire a really good specialist in Ukraine, it is necessary to consider his candidacy from many points of view. Formal knowledge and experience can not be a decisive factor since a lot depends on the personality of a programmer itself. But hiring a developer from Ukraine is still a win-win situation, as the average AngularJS developer salary in UA is way lower than in other countries, however, the quality of work is on the same level.